Circle of One with Malachite (Lewisville)

Meet your spirit Guides with Terri Groom (Lewisville)

Usui Reiki 1 (Lewisville)

Meet Your Spirit Guides with Lee Mitchell (Lewisville)

The Fool's Journey (DEPOSIT)

1 hour - Single Harmonic Egg Session

1.5 hour - Harmonic Egg Plus Session

Galactic-At-One-Ment Weekend Workshop (Full Price)

TranceMissions w/ Cé Änn 7p-9p (Lewisville)

The Fool's Journey (Full Amount)

Galactic-At-One-Ment with Joy & Ce Ann (Deposit)

Usui Reiki 2 (Lewisville)

Usui Reiki Master/Teacher FULL (Lewisville)

Introduction to Astrology (Lewisville)

Intuitive Tarot (Lewisville)

Reaching Spirit (A Trance Class) with Noah

Moon Magick


Divination with Noah

Reaching Spirit with Noah

Candle Magick

Southern Fried PSychics (Lewisville)

Teotihuacan 2025 $445 Deposit

Change Your Aura Change Your Life (Lewisville)

Intro to Wand Crafting

Zero To Psychic (Lewisville)

Moving Meditations (lewisville)

Animal Communication with Terri Groom (lewisville)

Shadow Workshop With Stacey (Lewiaville)

Getting to Know Your Clairs' (Lewisville)