Bedford |
Shamanic Journey's
W/ Ashwani
Next class: Friday, November 15th
A Shamanic Journey Circle
Led by a trained Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner using their drum as a tool becoming a bridge to the spirit world while attendees experience the journey. A sacred circle is formed for healing based on individual intentions, provides relaxing connection by going into deep alpha state, offers a safe setting to call back your power, encourages shifts from imbalances back into harmony, and forges all-accepting community bonds sharing this spiritual practice. Laying down on yoga mats or cushions is encouraged for the most comfort, but you can achieve similar results in a seated position. The art of Shamanism typically provides a plethora of benefits to the mind, body, and spirit selves that often get compartmentalized, separated, or ignored—continually in our current technology and AI times.
The goal is to always create a sacred safe space by a trained Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner that facilitates healing for your highest good. You are in control of your own will and your actions at all times during the journey circle. Think of a Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner as the safe vessel (a car loaded with safety features) that assists in your journey while you are the driver maneuvering the unpredictable roads from past, current, or future travels.
What to bring:
1. Yoga mat, Moon Pod, or cushion type to lay or sit on
2. Sleep mask or bandana to cover your eyes (blocks light) to encourage alpha state that deepens the journey
3. Enclosed water bottle with water to stay hydrated
4. A journal and a pen (blue, purple, pink, or green inks only, colors will be explained in circle together)
5. Wear comfortable clothing
6. A rattle if you have one (but not required)
7. A personal power item or totem (ex: a crystal, a feather, medicine bundle, etc.) to be with you
It is NOT recommended to start Shamanic practice if your mental health is a major priority to stabilize or if taking heavy medications to assist during this time in your life. There is no judgment; your safety is of utmost concern. Shamanic practice will always be here as time has shown.
Due to limited space please give us a call @ (945) 241-7477 to sign up
Led by a trained Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner using their drum as a tool becoming a bridge to the spirit world while attendees experience the journey. A sacred circle is formed for healing based on individual intentions, provides relaxing connection by going into deep alpha state, offers a safe setting to call back your power, encourages shifts from imbalances back into harmony, and forges all-accepting community bonds sharing this spiritual practice. Laying down on yoga mats or cushions is encouraged for the most comfort, but you can achieve similar results in a seated position. The art of Shamanism typically provides a plethora of benefits to the mind, body, and spirit selves that often get compartmentalized, separated, or ignored—continually in our current technology and AI times.
The goal is to always create a sacred safe space by a trained Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner that facilitates healing for your highest good. You are in control of your own will and your actions at all times during the journey circle. Think of a Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner as the safe vessel (a car loaded with safety features) that assists in your journey while you are the driver maneuvering the unpredictable roads from past, current, or future travels.
What to bring:
1. Yoga mat, Moon Pod, or cushion type to lay or sit on
2. Sleep mask or bandana to cover your eyes (blocks light) to encourage alpha state that deepens the journey
3. Enclosed water bottle with water to stay hydrated
4. A journal and a pen (blue, purple, pink, or green inks only, colors will be explained in circle together)
5. Wear comfortable clothing
6. A rattle if you have one (but not required)
7. A personal power item or totem (ex: a crystal, a feather, medicine bundle, etc.) to be with you
It is NOT recommended to start Shamanic practice if your mental health is a major priority to stabilize or if taking heavy medications to assist during this time in your life. There is no judgment; your safety is of utmost concern. Shamanic practice will always be here as time has shown.
Due to limited space please give us a call @ (945) 241-7477 to sign up
What is Shamanism
Shamanism is the earliest spiritual practice known to humankind that dates back tens of thousands of years and is not any form of religion. Shaman is a Siberian word that means “spiritual healer” and speaks to the potency of the work and its survival all these thousands of years later. The practice of Shamanism is a form of spiritual work, a way of life, or belief system learned/taught from elder shamans, indigenous shamans, trained shamanic practitioners in the modern-day world, and not solely from reading books. Books aid in expanding your understanding, but never replace learning the ways or training from a Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner to become a fellow practitioner. Shamanism is a tool Ashwani (your Shamanic Practitioner) has personally used for healing techniques from trauma and painful past circumstances since 2004 that she loves sharing with the world.
About Ashwani:
Dina Faye Gilmore (aka Ashwani) is a Shamanic Practitioner, Mystic/Psychic, Medium, 24 years Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Channeled Reader, Reiki Master, award-winning Director, Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Photographer, and a 4-time bestselling author. She thrives by empowering others through her spiritual abilities partnered with multimedia resources utilizing her creative gifts as a lifelong storyteller and visual healer. Her sessions are rooted in sacred space for transformation built on a foundation of surrender, utilizing all her Claires, Light Language, Tarot/Oracle cards for guidance, and sometimes drumming to ground and deepen connection. The majority of people report feeling lighter, free, accepted, unwound, transformed, enlightened, inspired, and loved after their reading.