Law of Attraction Life Coach, EFT/TFT Practitioner, Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Guide, Tarot and Oracle Card Reader At the core of my being, I am an empathic healer. I work with your energies and vibrational levels to help center and guide you so that you may find balance and joy within your spirit. I use several schools of thought and modalities in order to guide my clients to their best and highest vision of themselves so that they my live in a space of joy and abundance. LOA Coaching I am a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. I was certified through the Quantum Success Coaching Academy in 2010. I have covered a myriad of topics with people and am comfortable working with any subject that comes up. In coaching I do however specialize in 3 main areas: ~ Divine Manifesting and Abundance ~ Body Image Coaching ~ Parenting with Connection TFT/EFT Tapping I am certified as a practitioner in Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT). This is also sometimes simply referred to as “Tapping” techniques. I believe that tapping therapy can be effective in helping to process and resolve deep seeded emotional issues physical pain, phobias and much more. You can use TFT or EFT on their own or in combination with other coaching and guidance techniques. Hypnotherapy I am also certified as a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is a practice of deep mind and body relaxation techniques that can aid in “reprograming” your unconscious thought pattern that may be sabotaging your personal grown and healing. Hypnosis can be used for a variety of issues including: Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Stress Management, Fears & Phobias, Emotional Issues, Self Esteem, Confidence, Pain Relief and more… Reiki I am a Reiki Master / Teacher. I believe in the Universal energy of Reiki to align and balance Chakras, clear energy blockages in the auric field, and bring an overall sense of relaxation and calm to a person’s mind, body and spirit. I use reiki in combination with meditation. I also teach and certify people in all levels of Usui Reiki. Tarot and Oracle Card Reader I live openly as an Elemental Witch, and I follow the Wiccan reed. I found my way to my faith through the exploration of many paths and ideologies. I grew up in an open and accepting environment that gave me a unique perspective on spirituality and led me to find my true path. On this path I learned to read Tarot and Oracle cards and I use the cards to help read other people’s energy and received divine channeled messages for the person’s highest good. Session Prices for LOA Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and TFT/EFT Therapy ~ 90 minutes - $200 ~ 60 minutes - $150 Package Sessions Available Session Prices for Card Readings
~ 30 minutes - $60 ~ 45 minutes - $90 ~ 60 minutes - $120 |